Obedience Random

When Our Focus Needs Fixing

For the eyes of the Lord move to and fro throughout the earth that He may strongly support those whose heart is completely His (2 Chronicles 16:9, NASB).

With limited opportunities for social interaction since COVID-19 came on the scene in March 2020, I’ve found myself yearning for connection. An in-person conversation without a mask or having to worry about social distancing. An embrace in the form of a hug with no apprehension. Sharing a meal and passing food around the table without needing a bottle of hand sanitizer within reach. Blowing out the candles on a birthday cake and sharing the sweetness with dear friends without worrying about what else we may be sharing. Fear has stolen our focus.

Now, don’t get me wrong. I’m not denying the existence, severity, or seriousness of COVID-19. As a healthcare professional who understands the complexities of the human body in a significant way, I am very aware of how this virus can and has impacted so many people. I care deeply about the relationships in my life and about the lives of those around me, especially those who are most vulnerable. Like everyone else, I am doing everything I can on a daily basis to minimize risk and the spread of this virus. Yet, as each day and month passes, I find myself reflecting more deeply upon how this season of life is giving each of us an opportunity to check our focus. And, if you’re anything like me, you’ll find that it often needs fixing.

I have learned when I’m feeling weary, confused, frustrated, or overwhelmed (all of which has been heightened by COVID-19 for many people), that’s when I need to give myself space to connect with the Lord. I often find that space in one of several places: an outdoor walk surrounded by nature, a long drive down some back-country roads, or pounding the pavement with my basketball as I shoot some hoops. One morning before work a couple of weeks ago, I was feeling that need for some space. After a short drive, I set off on a walk and soon found myself snapping some photos of a few beautiful wildflowers. To be honest, it took way too many tries for me to finally feel satisfied with the image. There was a constant need to make an adjustment. A change in the angle, a burst of wind, a tremble from my hand—it seemed as though every little thing was throwing off the focus I was trying to achieve with the photo. But that didn’t deter me from spending extra time, probably way too much, to find the right focus and capture the image exactly the way I imagined.

As I set off to finish my walk that day, I began to reflect upon things in my life that might be causing me to steer off the narrow path. What things in my life have I allowed to blur the image of Christ in my life, and how might I need to spend time re-centering myself on Him? I found myself thinking about the story of Peter from Matthew, Chapter 14. The disciples were in the midst of a storm, their boat being rocked from strong winds when they began feeling afraid. After an exchange with Jesus, Peter finds himself walking on the water toward Jesus. And then, suddenly, fear steals his focus, and Peter begins to sink. In verse 31, it says, Jesus immediately reached out and grabbed him. “You have so little faith,” Jesus said. “Why did you doubt me?” This is a beautiful and well-known biblical story, but when I read it, I don’t always immediately think about the doubt. I think about his fear. Fear stole Peter’s focus. The loss of focus led to doubt. Doubt diminished his faith, and in an instant, he was sinking in the storm. I am just like Peter. We are all like Peter.

When I spend too much time on social media, my focus shifts away from Jesus.

When I watch too much of the news surrounding COVID-19, my focus shifts away from Jesus.

When I compare where I am in my life to others my age, my focus shifts away from Jesus.

When I put my hope in political policies and leaders, my focus shifts away from Jesus.

When I don’t eat well and get enough rest, my focus shifts away from Jesus.

In my life, just as it happened while snapping a picture of the wildflower, there are constantly competing interests that are vying for the full focus of my life. But the real question for me is this: Am I willing to give God enough time to ensure that the cross of Christ remains the central image of my life? One of my favorite chapters in all of the Bible, Psalm 139: 23–24, says, “Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. Point out anything in me that offends you, and lead me along the path of everlasting life.” It’s always been easy for me to ask the question, but it has taken me a long time to learn the spiritual practice of responding in obedience. When I allow those verses to sink from my head and settle into my heart, I am reminded of the importance of getting real with God, asking Him to show me how I’ve lost my focus, and listen as He always provides a gentle yet convicting answers to my questions.

That day I asked myself this question: If someone were to take a snapshot of my life, I know Jesus would be in the image, but would He be the focus? In response, I recently took most forms of social media off my phone. I am working to establish a routine of discipline when it comes to getting up early to spend time in the quiet with Jesus before work. I am trying to do a better job of eating well and getting consistent rest. My behavior is not and never will be perfect, but I can be diligent to pray and move toward having a heart that is always motivated by the pursuit of Christ as the focus of my life. When I read 2 Chronicles 16:9 I am reminded of this truth: For the eyes of the Lord move to and fro throughout the earth that He may strongly support those whose heart is completely His. God is not seeking perfect behavior, but a heart that chases after Him. Thank God for that.

2 replies on “When Our Focus Needs Fixing”

Very inspiring piece of writing – focusing on Jesus will be my focus today and hopefully, every day to follow!

There are so many things going on, that cause me to loose focus. I pray, that by working hard, I will not let this to be the case!!

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